
FIC 2022 - Day 02

By Jules Bozouklian
Published in Conferences
June 08, 2022
1 min read
FIC 2022 - Day 02

Another busy day today at the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum)

I attended the following conferences:

  • Europe, a normative power. What next?

  • Provider access management in an industrial environment: feedback from the Paris Airport Group (ADP) WALLIX Group

  • Securing XIoT should be easy, right? Claroty

  • Presentation of the Clusif “Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems” Working Group

Today was also the big premiere of cybersecurity in space at the FIC with the following round table: New Space: new uses, new vulnerabilities by CYSEC, CNES, Thales and Leanspace




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FIC 2022 - Day 01
Jules Bozouklian

Jules Bozouklian

Cybersecurity enthusiastic


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