
European CyberCup

By Jules Bozouklian
Published in Capture The Flag
September 15, 2021
1 min read
European CyberCup

I had the chance to participate in the first edition of the European Cybercup which took place in Lille during the International Cybersecurity Forum on September 8th and 9th 2021.

The competition opposed 10 student teams and 6 professional teams. I was part of the StrawHats team composed of Epitech students.

There was a forensic, osint, bug bounty and ctf challenge. My favorite challenge was the OSINT chall created by the School of Economic Warfare (EGE) and the Military Intelligence Directorate (DRM).

Before the competition I participated in an interview :




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Jules Bozouklian

Jules Bozouklian

Cybersecurity enthusiastic


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