
BlackHat USA 2022 Day 01

By Jules Bozouklian
Published in Conferences
August 10, 2022
1 min read
BlackHat USA 2022 Day 01

Today I participated in one of the most famous conferences in the world, the BlackHat USA

I participated in the following talks:

  • Keynote: Black Hat at 25: Where Do We Go from Here? by Chris Krebs
  • Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling by James Kettle
  • Google Reimagined a Phone. It was Our Job to Red Team and Secure It
  • NOC presentation
  • sOfT7: Revealing the Secrets of Siemens S7 PLCs
  • Real ‘Cyber War’: Espionage, DDoS, Leaks, and Wipers in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Thank to Cisco Talos for the lunch and learn interesting talk : What Cisco Talos threat researchers learned from critical infrastructure defense in Ukraine.

I also participated in the pwnie awards ceremony which was really fun




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Jules Bozouklian

Jules Bozouklian

Cybersecurity enthusiastic


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